Today I had the most detailed but at same time most interesting ATG consulting interview yet. Here are the questions I was asked with answers when appropriate in italics.
- Which versions of ATG have you worked with?
- What parts of ATG’s stack have you worked with?
- How do you compare ATG with Ruby on Rails?
- What is Nucleus?
- What is the ATG Repository?
- When creating form handlers typically what ATG base class do you extend?
- When creating droplets what ATG base class do you extend?
- What form handlers and methods do you use during checkout? ShoppingCartFormHandler, numerous handlers like handleMoveToConfirm, etc.
- What does a user typically see during checkout? Add to shopping cart, login, billing and shipping address, payment, confirm, confirmation, email confirmation, shipped email.
- How do you compare strings in Java? If String a = “hello” and String b= “hello” what is a == b? True, a and b both reference the same constant string.
In another interview I was asked these questions.
- What is HTTP? How does it work?
- If HTTP is stateless then how does a web application maintain state.