
URLHammer is a simple tool from ATG for doing load and performance testing.

Here is an example of using it.

E:\>cd ATG\ATG2006.3\DAS\lib

E:\ATG\ATG2006.3\DAS\lib>set CLASSPATH=classes.jar

E:\ATG\ATG2006.3\DAS\lib>java atg.core.net.URLHammer
http://localhost:8080/test.jhtml 10 100 -cookies

Time = 110068 ms   (9.09 requests/s; average latency = 1101 ms)
0 errors out of 1000 requests


ATG has a new open source framework for doing integrated tests called ATG DUST. It sounds interesting though it’s still somewhat raw and I have not tested it myself.

Here is the description from the website.

ATG DUST is a framework for building JUnit tests for applications built on the ATG Dynamo platform. This framework allows one to quickly write test code that depends up Nucleus or ATG Repositories. By using this framework one can drastically cut down on development time. It takes only a few seconds to start up a test with a repository, but it may take multiple minutes to start up an application server.

You can see the source and download the source tarball.