Eclipse Serial Version UID Bug

Currently there is a bug with Eclipse and generating the serial version UID. When attempting to generate a serial version UID you will see a dialogue window which says “Computing serial version ID….” and “Starting virtual machine…”. Unfortunately this hangs and you are forced to kill your Eclipse IDE. I started seeing this bug after installing some JDBC plugins and the GEF plugin, I’m not sure if it’s related to that. I tried disabling the plugins but I still see the problem. Before I wasn’t having this problem.

I noticed that I haven’t encountered this problem on other installations of Eclipse, even w/ the JDBC plugins, so could just be that I have a bad build of Eclipse.

One thought on “Eclipse Serial Version UID Bug

  1. Hi,
    I’m currently working under Eclipse 3.2 and have the same problem that an UID causes a hanging eclipse.
    Coould you fix your problem and how?


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