Many Apache webserver installations use uriworkermap to configure requests are forwarded to Tomcat/JBoss and which are not.  This provides a certain level of security. For example:
## APACHE RESOURCES (static files): !/*.gif=myapp !/*.html=myapp ## DISALLOWÂ (security-related filter): !/*.jsp=myapp !/*.xml=myapp ## TOMCAT RESOURCES: /*.do=myapp
However if you dynamically generate your sitemap.xml or any other XML files using a servlet then this security will be a problem since the XML request will not make it to Tomcat/JBoss. This is when mod_rewrite comes to the rescue.
You can set up mod_rewrite to rewrite the sitemap.xml request to be a request.
RewriteRule ^/sitemap\.xml$ / [PT,L]
Then you can set up Struts to forward this request to sitemap.xml.
<action path="/sitemap" forward="/sitemap.xml"/>