Calling Oracle Stored Procedures and Functions

Calling an Oracle function is quite simple. For example

SELECT package.register(1, "Frank", "Kim") FROM dual;

However calling Oracle stored procedures is a bit more tricky, especially if the Oracle stored procedure has output parameters. Here is an example of how to call an Oracle stored procedure that has three input parameters and two output parameters.

DECLARE p_credit_status_out INTEGER;
p_school_status_out INTEGER;

package.get_status(1, "Frank", "Kim", p_credit_status_out, p_school_status_out);

How to Retrieve Oracle Version Information

When you start SQLPlus you should see the Oracle version information. For example:

$ sqlplus fkim/fkim@example

Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

Also you can execute SQL to retrieve the version information.

SQL> select * from v$version where banner like 'Oracle%';

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

Describing Tables and Constraints in Oracle

Stone Table | Flickr

Stone Table by WorldWanderlust

To get the table definition.

describe foo;

Or simply

desc foo

To get the constraints of a table.

select * from user_constraints where table_name='foo';

Similarly to find the table for a constraint.

select table_name from user_constraints where constraint_name='bar';

To find all the tables that have foreign key constraints for a given table you can use this query.  It first find the name of the unique and/or primary key constraints in the given table.  Then it finds all the constraints in other tables that reference this constraint. Note that the table names are usually uppercase.

select owner,constraint_name,constraint_type,table_name,r_owner,
from all_constraints
where constraint_type='R'
and r_constraint_name
in (select constraint_name
from all_constraints
where constraint_type in ('P','U')
and table_name='BAZ');

A simpler way which also constrains the owner would be like this.

select table_name,constraint_name
from all_constraints
where constraint_type='R'
and owner='FRANK'
and r_constraint_name
in (select constraint_name
from all_constraints
where constraint_type in ('P','U')
and table_name='BAZ');

For further reading please see Finding Foreign Key Constraints in Oracle and Oracle Constraints.

Installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter

If you want to install Oracle, that great big beast, the computer you intend to install must have a static IP address. However for many people their IP address is dynamic, that is it comes from a DHCP server. To get around this restriction you can install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter which creates a virtual static IP.

To install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter follow these instructions. You should be able to start the Add Hardware Wizard by selecting Add Hardware in the Control Panel.  In Windows XP if you cannot find Add Hardware in the Control Panel then you can start the Add Hardware Wizard by selecting Printers and Other Hardware in the Control Panel. You should see an Add Hardware entry on the top of the left column.

After installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter go to the Control Panel, select Network and Internet Connections and then Network Connections. Select the Local Area Connection that is a Microsoft Loopback Adapter (usually Local Area Connection 2). Select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP in Windows XP, TCP/IPv4 in Windows Vista) and then press the Properties button. Next select Use the following IP address and enter an IP address that should not conflict with your LAN. I use and set the Subnet Mask to

After you set the IP address you can use the Windows host file to assign a friendly address to this IP address. For example add this entry to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Updating/Reading Dates

I always forget how to do this.

UPDATE foo SET bar_date = TO_DATE( '2005-09-29', 'YYYY-MM-DD') WHERE foo_id=51

SELECT TO_CHAR(bar_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') FROM foo;

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar_date > TO_DATE('08/16/2006', 'MM/DD/YYYY')

When you need a date in a pinch for inserting test data use sysdate.

INSERT INTO foo (bar_date) VALUE (sysdate)

A good article about this is Oracle, SQL, Dates and Timestamps.

Sequences on Oracle

Here is an example of how to create a sequence which you can use for creating sequential numbers, typically for ID’s.

    CACHE 10;

This is how you would then use the sequence.

INSERT INTO persons (id, name) VALUES (person_seq.NEXTVAL, 'Dylan')
INSERT INTO persons (id, name) VALUES (person_seq.NEXTVAL, 'Isaac')

If you want to select the next ID you would do it like this.


To learn more, Managing Sequences and the Oracle DUAL table.