How to Debug an InvalidVersionException from Updating an ATG Order

I thought I saw a puddy cat.... on Flickr

If you ever update an order outside of a transaction then the next time you update it within a transaction you will get the infamous, dreaded InvalidVersionException.

WARN  atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifier
atg.commerce.order.InvalidVersionException: This order (o3830002) is out of date. Changes have been made to the order and the operation should be resubmitted. Order version 333, Repository item version 334.
   at atg.commerce.order.OrderManager.updateOrder(

For example this could happen if you update your order in your JSP page.

<dsp:setvalue bean=”” value=”bar” />

To fix this problem you must always make sure to update an order within a transaction like this.

Transaction tr = null;
try {
  tr = ensureTransaction();
  synchronized (getOrder()) {
    try {
    catch (Exception exc) {
      processException(exc, MSG_ERROR_UPDATE_ORDER, pRequest, pResponse);
finally {
  if (tr != null) commitTransaction(tr);

In some cases you might find a method is called within a transaction by another method and in other cases it is not.

public boolean handleFoo(DynamoHttpServletRequest req, DynamoHttpServletResponse res) {
  Transaction tr = null;
  try {
    tr = ensureTransaction();
    synchronized (getOrder()) {
      try {
      catch (Exception exc) {
        processException(exc, MSG_ERROR_UPDATE_ORDER, pRequest, pResponse);
    return checkFormRedirect(getSuccessUrl(), getErrorUrl(), req, res);
  finally {
    if (tr != null) commitTransaction(tr);

public void setFoo(String foo) {

In the above example the handleFoo method properly updates the order within the transaction.  However calling the setFoo method directly will cause a problem since the order is not updated within a transaction.  To fix this you use the same pattern again to ensure the order is updated within a transaction.  It is okay to do this more than once during a request.

To debug this problem you can use Eclipse to make sure that wherever you update an order is always within a transaction. You can use the debugger to find which methods are called and/or you can use the call hierarchy to find out how methods are called.

Another way to help debug this is adding JSP code similar to the one I list below. It outputs the version of the order that the form handler has and the version that is in the repository.  If there is a difference then you know that the action you took before at some point updated the order outside of a transaction.

<dspel:getvalueof bean="" var="orderId" />
FORM HANDLER ORDER ID: ${orderId}<br/>
FORM HANDLER ORDER VERSION: <dsp:valueof bean="ShoppingCartModifier.order.version" /><br/>
<dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/RQLQueryForEach">
  <dsp:param name="queryRQL" value="ID IN { \"${orderId}\" }"/>
  <dsp:param name="repository" value="/atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository"/>
  <dsp:param name="itemDescriptor" value="order"/>
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    REPOSITORY ORDER VERSION: <dsp:valueof param="element.version"/><br/>

For further reading please see Nabble – ATG Dynamo – Commerce Assist Returns and the Transaction Management section in the ATG Programming Guide.

2 thoughts on “How to Debug an InvalidVersionException from Updating an ATG Order

  1. Hi Brian,
    Typically pipeline processes are called from within a transaction that initiated the call. Therefore typically you don’t need to worry about wrapping runProcess from PipelineManager.
    Please let me know if that seems incorrect.

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